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How to Win Executive Buy-In for Your IT Projects Successfully

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Getting executive buy-in for IT projects is crucial for success. Winning over decision-makers can determine the outcome of your innovative tech solutions. Knowing how to communicate and lead effectively is key. This process directly impacts the strategic alignment and resource allocation essential for project success. In this blog, we’ll explore essential strategies to get executives…

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The IT Professional’s Handbook to Third-Party Vendor Risk Management Excellence  

Risk Management

Partnering with vendors can save a company time, money, and headaches, but unfortunately, vendors can also open the door to security nightmares. Developing a risk management strategy may be a granular process, but it’s the only way to protect an organization’s reputation and financial stability. What Is Third-Party Vendor Management? Third-party vendor management refers to…

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William Flannery, Dataprise CEO Featured on IT By Design’s Podcast

IT By Design (5)

From AI to cybersecurity, the tech world has always had to adapt quickly to the latest trend. This push and pull has left all companies trying to balance their IT resources, so they can grow the business without being bogged down in endless administrative tasks. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) have stepped in to fill the…

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Top IT Priorities for Small and Medium Sized Businesses in 2024

IT 2024 Priorities

To stay competitive in 2024, SMBS should identify and prioritize IT initiatives. In this blog, we will explore the top IT priorities for SMBs in 2024, helping them become more resilient, efficient, and successful. 1. Advanced Cybersecurity Measures for Enhanced Protection Cyber threats’ increasing frequency and sophistication have made cybersecurity a top priority for SMBs.…

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Introducing Microsoft Copilot for Enhanced Work Productivity

AI (1)

Microsoft is constantly pushing the boundaries of technology to empower individuals and organizations worldwide. One of their recent innovative offerings is Microsoft Copilot, an advanced AI-powered tool designed to revolutionize work productivity. With Copilot, Microsoft aims to provide users with a seamless and efficient experience, enabling them to achieve more in their professional lives. This…

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Evaluating Managed IT Service Providers: A Complete Guide

Managed IT Services

Choosing the right Managed IT Service Provider can be a daunting task. As organizations increasingly rely on technology to drive productivity and innovation, evaluating the efficacy of your chosen IT support services becomes paramount. From scrutinizing service level agreements to assessing scalability and responsiveness, this comprehensive guide is designed to navigate you through the intricacies…

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Case Study: MidCap


A Growing Financial Firm’s IT Needs Met through Project Management, Strategic Consulting, and Security Services

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Case Study: Foulger Pratt

Foulger Pratt

Discover how this real estate development company’s IT needs were met with enterprise-class support, management, hosting, and advisory services.

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